Reskill Americans Volunteer Application

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Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Reskill Americans. Whether you are an industry veteran or someone who has just completed a boot camp yourself, we would love your help! We seek volunteer mentors with technical expertise in UI/UX product design or full stack web development in the following areas:

Mentor a Participant: Share your technical expertise and experience to mentor our participants throughout our seven-month training program. Time commitment: 1- 2 hours per week for 7 months Timeframe: Starting in Fall 2022

We seek volunteers that have technical expertise in product design and/or full stack web development. Whether ysdsou are an industry veteran, or someone who has just completed a boot camp yourself, we could use your help!

We are asking for a minimum commitment of two hours per week, over a period of at least two months. During that time, you will be paired with participants that are learning a track that’s aligned to your skill set.

Please answer the survey below to get started. We can then match you with the most appropriate group.

  1. Note: Enter "self" if unaffiliated.

  2. Years of work experience in software development or design:
  3. In what specific areas would you like to help participants?

    Select all that apply.

  4. In which ways would you be available to volunteer?
  5. If you are willing to be identified in our volunteer directory (distributed to participants)
  6. Do you self-identify as a historically underrepresented minority?

    Note: We do not require that our volunteers identify as underrepresented minorities.

    See our FAQ for our definition of underrepresented minorities.

  7. Please type your full name here to accept the terms of our Volunteer Participation Agreement.

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